Monday, July 07, 2008

Music to make Marinara By

Need an Italian Trio for your next Italian restuarant scene?

Here is a link to just the piece.

We are not only a music library but also a custom music producer.

Call us with your music needs at 630-693-0719

Friday, June 20, 2008

Hangin' Jazzy with Duke

Jazz is often a genre that is in shorter supply in the cool libraries. Here is a link to a piece called Duke's Hang that combines hip-hop and jazz mediums. is here to combine anything that is combine-able!

Call or email us with your music needs. We are here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blues You Can Use

Having just attended the Chicago Blues Festival, which is literally a short car ride straight east of my studio, inspired me feature some blues that offers. This song, Electric Jumpin' Blues is a fun 2 beat romp with a cool bluesy guitar.

While so many blues songs are old and perhaps in the public domain, the performances that are available as recordings are still often hard or expensive to license.
Below is a picture of myself (Leroy Bocchieri) with my good friend Mark DeCarlo and Queen of the Blues, KoKo Taylor, at a charity event in LA.
We had the honor of being KoKo's backing band for the evening and were rightly schooled:) is a source for boutique, handmade, music for productions. Call us for a free music search at 630-693-0719

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Featured Music Cue

One of our specialties at is ethnic music. Here is an example of a far eastern vibe mixed with a hip-hop groove. It is called Bali Funk. Check it out....
Click here....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Big Dog Labels "Miami Ink" Cajun Style

Big Dog recently delivered cajun/zydeco style cues for TLC's hot show, "Miami Ink"

Among the pieces delivered were Cajun Stew and Cajun Sauce. Featuring a live rhythm section including a cajun rubboard (frattoir) and Louisiana style accordian playing., the downhome tone was set for the show's location setting. These and other authentic ethnic style cues are available for download on our website at